Monday, March 28, 2011


I love a good trip home. And since I hadn't been home since my birthday, the trip was even sweeter! Jess and I went back to Columbia together at the end of Feb and had a BLAST!! Seeing family, laughing from the belly, and sweet snuggles with a couple of cuddlebugs. All in all, it was a great weekend. But then again, each time I go, it gets a little sweeter!

I started off the voyage from Colorado with a bunch of snow fall, lots of nerves, and a couple of colorful passengers on the plane. So when I got to KC, Marri picked me up and went for some much needed grub and drinks!

Just for the record, Marri got the girliest, fruitiest drink I have ever seen. It was pretty funny. We were at some place in Zona Rosa...wish I could remember the name because it was really a beautiful place. Like Rock Bottom Brewery, but classier. Yummy apps and drinks.

The next morning I boarded the trusty Mo-X shuttle. The roads were pretty bad that morning, but I was so excited to get to my destination, I didn't really care. Also, having a professional do the driving made me care even less.

What seemed like an eternity later, we got to Columbia and after a quick lunch, we proceeded onto Black and Gold Auctions for my first ever auction. I was SO excited!! It was so awesome to see the whole thing. I had my heart set on this collection of old fashion ball jars, which I was able to snag. Here is my loot!

And a CoMo blog would not be complete with out pics of my fav nieces. Audrey has such a personality! She is always laughing and smiling.I was so grateful to spend some quality time with her!

Elena is also full of personality...quite sassy and sweet. I didn't get many pictures of her this time...she is quite content playing with iPhones and running her own little world. Pretty stinking cute though.

Now, anybody who has ever spent a weekend with the Prices knows that Sunday afternoons are meant for napping. BUT after lunch on this particular Sunday, Ruth showed me a little treat. That treat is Just "Just Dance." Ruth, Jess and I played and were laughing so hard! I was crying and my cheeks hurt. It was awesome. Please note that Jess's hand is a complete blur in the picture...

Monday, Jess and I got to spend the whole day with the nieces. Okay, hats off to Liz for not only having a full time job but also wrangling these girls too! I mean, Laney is a general sass pot (as all 3 year olds are) and Audrey is constantly crawling into something or finding something to torture Truman with...I had a blast with them though. Was certainly a two person job, and I think we had a blast the whole day! Heck, we even ventured out to have lunch with Ellen and survived a total meltdown of both girls at once...

Here is Laney drawing pictures for Uncle Mike.

and LIttle Audrey cheesing the camera with some breakfast face.

Truman being a total hovercat. This is the most tolerant cat in the world.

See what I mean?

While Laney continued napping, the Aunts and Audrey got some chill time. She is a cuddlebug after she wakes up!

Also, she LOVES a drink! She will drink an entire cup of water/juice/whatever faster than any little monster I have ever seen. It's hilarious, then she stops gulping and sighs. Every time.

More play time.

After our day with the girls everyone met up at the Looten house for pizza and TV. Since I was not up to date on the Bachelor or Castle, I mostly annoyed everyone with questions about what was going on and annoyed Truman by taking glamour shots. It was a good last night in town!

I refrained from taking good bye pictures, because they depress me when I go back through them, but Mom, Dad, Jess and I shared a lovely breakfast and then headed to the Mo-X office for the return leg of our journey. It's always a bummer leaving, but here is how I am starting to see it: Each time I go back, the times are sweeter than the previous visit. So a goodbye is just a promise that the next time I will hug my "adoptive" family, I'll be even more filled and happy because of it.

Once at KCI, Jess found the coolest shirt EVER! I love it!

And finally, the end. Took this about 15 minutes before we starting boarding. Boots and baggage. A sign of a good trip.

some back posts....

Okay I've fallen off the wagon. I know this. But I will be bringing you a few bloggy blogposts including the following topics:
  • CoMo Visit
  • Donut Dog and the Beast of Burdens
  • Scotty Spice takes on the Little Big City and Surrounding Areas
Stayed tuned....

Saturday, March 5, 2011

iPhone app??

Okay, I hate that I can't blog from my iPhone, given that it's my only real Internet connection from home. So, bloggerplus might be my new fav app!! This is my test post...